I initially picked up this book because I met one of the authors, Nancy Brauer (the other is Vanessa Brooks), at a convention. I liked Nancy as a person; then I attended one of her readings, in which she read the first two chapters of this novel, and I liked what I heard. I decided to pick the book up in eBook format, because I'm always really leery of self-published books.
To my delight, the formatting, grammar and such were all very clean and there were very few typos. Best of all, the rest of the story -- about an unlikely couple, their children, and their fight to control their own lives -- proved to be as good as the beginning. The characters are well-detailed and the plot thoroughly interesting. It's very well-written, but definitely isn't a book for children or for the easily offended.
I enjoyed it very much and would recommend it to those who like dark science-fantasy romances with a hefty dose of fairly explicit sex thrown in. Nancy described this as "probably the least sappy romance you'll ever read", and I have to agree with that assessment. I'm also going to be keeeping an eye on this collaborative pair in the future!